Have you got a unique solution to a problem worth solving and have you checked if IP can be registered for it?
Are you ready to commit your time, energy and money to your startup?
Have you got a cofounder (or two) who is as passionate as you about the venture and if you haven’t have you considered (investing) Non Executive Directors to fill this role?
Are you financially stable enough to go through the trials and tribulations of launching a startup?
Have you registered your startup?
Have you got an elevator pitch prepared?
Have you got a business plan with a full and credible financial forecast for a minimum of 3 years?
Have you got a pitch deck?
Have you got a website, social media plan, and appropriate marketing collateral - see our article on how to market your startup (link)?
If you answered yes to all of these questions then you’re in a pretty good place to launch a successful startup!
Need help with any of these steps? Let us know and we'll help you out!
Get in touch on LinkedIn at info@startup-gurus.com.